PEK participated of the development of almost all coal resources high volatile C in Brazil as the deposits owned by Copelmi Mineração and Carbonifera Cambui were PEK has been also mine operador ofa room & pillar mine and coal washing plant to supply coal based power plant.
Our portfolio include geology, coal evaluation and characterization, studies for open cast and room & pillar underground mining and coal washing plants. Servicies offered include:
- Coal Resource / Reserve Evaluation
- Coal Supply Evaluation and Planning
- Economic and Financial Analysis
- Environmental Audits/Reclamation and Liabilities
- Field Exploration
- Geotechnical Assessments
- Health and Safety Services
- Management Consulting
- Material Handling
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Mining Due Diligence
- Mining Feasibility Studies
- Technical Reports
- Valuations